Most of the time, people confuse savings and investment to be the same at the same time; some use them interchangeably. However, in other to secure our financial future, it will be a good step if we engage ourselves in these two words. If you are the type that is not familiar with either of these words. And just coming across it for the first time or you don’t take them seriously, the time to make use of them is now. In this short piece, we shall be reviewing the two words so you can understand the differences between them and how important they are in human life.

The primary reason why we save is to purchase and solve emergency needs. Saving money shows that it will be available at any time we need it and does not have any form of value loss, nor value appreciation. It is not a bad idea if you choose to keep track of your savings by putting a deadline or timeline as you try to use it to add value to your goals.
Your ability to put your money in a system that works is called investment. Investing requires that you plan and be sure you are not going to lose the value of what you are putting into a business. There is no doubt that you are guaranteed of a better result only if you invest on time. In other to be successful, you must understand very well the investment you are committing yourself to, how to go about it, and the best result you can get from it.
The most significant difference you can ever hear about investment and savings is a risk. An example of savings is when you go to the bank to deposit your money or put it into a money market account, in as much as you don’t withdraw it back; the risk of losing it there is shallow. In the case of investment, you are of the more significant potential of long term gains, rewards at the same time if the money is not well invested, you may lose.
The second difference is money made or interest. The aim of investing is to possibly make more money while the objective of saving to keep your money for future use.
As a trader who is looking to invest in a good business, investing in stock or fx market is good. There is an excellent platform you can trust, suretrader. To be sure of what we are explaining, you can make more enquiries about suretrader on their website. However, the minimum startup capital you can keep with them is $500. They have a lot of advantages just as they have disadvantages too, but their gain is more than their loss. One of the benefits you will gain from them is that there is no pattern trading for day traders, low brokerage account holders minimum deposit is $500. They have enough trading tools that allow you to have instant access to multiple charts.
They have disadvantages, as explained before. They charge traders $15 for an account that is dormant or account that trades less than 15 trades per quarter.