Are you organizing a company event? Maybe you’re presenting a new product, you’re hosting a networking meeting, or you’re celebrating a big accomplishment. Give your guests something to remember not only the night by, but your company too. How? By using custom polaroid film. Simply let guests take polaroid pictures and then use custom sticker frames to add your company’s logo. A great memory for friends, colleagues, and business partners alike. Read on to find out what you must know about this original way to create branded products.

The benefits of a branded instant photo
A branded instant photo adds something special to a company event. Unlike photos taken by a professional photographer, instant polaroid photos will be a little less formal. Guests can have fun posing for photos and can immediately see the results. There’s a certain retro vibe to polaroid photos, even. Choose a few different versions of custom polaroid film and let your guests choose for themselves which picture frame to use for their photo. You can add the company logo, but you can also use company colours or anything else you like.
How does custom polaroid film work?
After you have customized your stickers any way you want, your guests can stick them onto their polaroid photos. It is unfortunately not possible to customize polaroids by printing directly onto the photo paper. This is because the paper is very light sensitive. This is however no problem, as using customized stickers is very easy. Simply remove the back of the sticker to reveal the sticky part and place it on your polaroid photo. To seal the sticker, fold the frame back. And there you go, your very own branded instant photo!
What camera to use for branded photos?
You can use most polaroid cameras with custom polaroid film. The film is designed to fit the standard polaroid size. If you do not have a polaroid camera yet, you can also buy a package deal. Buying your branded polaroid frames together with your new camera usually means you will get a nice discount. This usually also comes with enough photo paper to last you for awhile. Have you decided yet? Give your guests, colleagues and business relations a personal memory of a special night with customized instant photos, and see the difference it makes for your company’s image.